
Tuesday 22 August 2017

WOW! 8 year Blog-A-Versary of The Craft Spa...

Another Anniversary! Must be a week for them....

I really can't believe that I have been scrawling away and sharing my creative soul on this blog for 8 years now... though the first 4 years or so were a bit more ad-hoc!

Hopefully I have brought you all some inspiration, some new ideas, a few tutorials you have used... and a laugh or two... usually at my expense!

And I just want to say a big thank you for your support and encouragement of my crafty endeavours - without you none of this would get written and shared!

Though I will admit to life being very busy at present as the household prepares for my son's cruciate ligament knee operation this week , 7-14 days of crutch mobility... and then university in 4 weeks time... so I will apologise in advance should my daily scheduling not happen quite as you are used to!!

But do bear with me... as once he is gone... I will have more time to spend on creating and sharing! I might even start to do some extra things you wouldn't expect!! Could be a new chapter if all goes to plan...


  1. Congrats Amanda ,you have given me lots of inspiration ,sorry to hear about your sons op ,hope all goes well for him and he is soon fighting fit again love from Hilda

  2. Good luck to you and your son. Family first. We will wait for you. Thank for all your inspiration.

  3. Hi Amanda,
    congrats on your anniversary...thanks for the info yesterday...I tried google and you tube...still somewhat confused...must be my age (74) lol! ...hoping everything goes well for your son...Ann in Canada

    1. Thanks Ann... told you tech wasn't my thing!

  4. Congratulations on your 8 years. I have followed you for most of that and love your work. Hope your son dose well. Hugs Anne

    1. Thanks Anne... and thanks for your 8 years of support...

  5. Many congratulations on your anniversary. You have certainly inspired many of us with your creations over the years.
    An added bonus for us is your are willingness to share your projects with clear instructions or videos.
    Thanks again, keep up the good work.

  6. Congratulations on your 8th anniversary, Amanda! I always look forward to your creations and inspiration. Your inventive fold cards are my absolute favorite. Thank you

    1. Aw thank you so much Alla... and hello... So nice to " meet" you....

  7. Lots of love to you. Congratulations on your 8 year anniversary! Thanks for your ideas and inspiration and even more thanks for sharing them. Xxx


Amanda Bates at The Craft Spa

I hope that you enjoyed this project.

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Though if your SU! order is over £150 - then please don't use this code! Please claim your own Stampin' Rewards instead... You will still get a gift from me...!

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