The news is out! We have a Colour Refresh this year! Every 5 years or so Stampin Up carry out a complete review of the whole colour collection and change the offering to stay relevant, set trends and fill in any gaps... So it's time to say goodbye to 11 core colours plus 4 departing 2021-2023 In Colors. These colours will finish with the launch of the new 2023-2024 Annual Catalogue (live from 2nd May 2023). So ink pads, re-inkers, cardstock, markers etc of these colours will now only be available while stocks last (which usually isn't long)
Stampin’ Up! Retiring Core Colours 2023 are Blushing Bride, Rich Razzleberry, Merry Merlot, Mango Melody, So Saffron, Pear Pizzazz, Bermuda Bay, Mint Macaron, Pacific Point, Soft Suede, Sahara Sand.
Can’t tell you how much I will miss Sahara Sand, Mint Macaron, Bermuda Bay and Rich Razzleberry!
Plus the Retiring 2012-2023 In Colors. This year Fresh Freesia (bottom right) will carry over as part of the Colour Refresh. But sadly Evening Evergreen, Soft Succulent, Polished Pink and Pale Papaya will all go.
And so now the new and returning Colour Reveal... 11 new and returning Core colours... 4 new plus 7 returning...
And then of course we also have the 5 NEW 2023-2025 In Colors...
5 brand new colours to keep things even more bang up to date... Love the "moodiness" of these... somewhat more subtle and laid back than last year's In Colors! I'm so loving these!
Giving us this wonderful Whole Colour Collection going forward...
And you can
CLICK HERE for a more detailed video of the retiring and new & returning colours and the full Colour Collection....