This blog cruise has been organised by a bunch of very talented Stampin' Up! demonstrators that all meet in the cyber space at the In Love with Stamping forum.... A particularly big thanks must go to Carolynne for inspiring us and getting us organised!!
My first project is one that I have wanted to make for a long time.. a Gingerbread House made from my wonderful Stampin' Up! punches and stamps. So I am delighted to have finally achieved it!!
My second project is particularly for those with 4-12 year old children who are immersed in the web or trading card world of Club Penguin.... or for those who just like penguins!! The little pot holds a lollipop... so a double treat for kids everywhere.

I will be posting a full recipe and directions for these projects during next week so please feel free to leave me a comment and join my followers.... It will really spur me on to finishing the directions!!
In the meantime, please press on the icon to go to the next stop for Kara's wonderful creations to further inspire you. (