Friday 6 September 2019

Magnolia Lane Pop Up Front Step Panel Card

What do you get when you combine the Nested Labels with the A6ish Portrait Pop Up Front Step Panel card...
Yup! A new variant for you!
In a few different Magnolia Lane paper-ways... as I had 6 to make... 4 being the same... and then a couple of others...
Back with the specifics another day...

But in the meantime... I just had to share these Nested Labels featuring Magnolia Lane & Magnolia Blooms version with you...


Kathy Eddy said...

Will there be a tutorial for these wonderful cards for sale?

Amanda said...

The tutorial is available for free if you follow the link at the beginning of the post...

There is a little tweak with the front panel which I will be back to share in the next week... but in the meantime...just chop the bottom off to size! (Sorry I am not near the actual cardsor my instructions at present )