A purposefully shorter round up post today!
Though still with
the projects over the years round up for you too... Just click on the project photo to go to that project for more details... and/or click on the product photo to go straight to the product in my Online Store...
See yesterday's post for the first 5 in the series...
Garden in Bloom
Not bad for a set I won in the Team Training Raffle... Whilst this has always been a very useful floral & fauna set... it has suddenly become a firm favourite!!! So I will deal with it first... thanks to fellow demo, Jo Hooper for spotting this one... and for sharing what she loved!
So product picture up first... spot THE flower... yes the large 2 step one at the bottom left & right...
And here is a sneaky peek of part of a stunning sheet in the brand new and coming Share What You Love papers... which are definitely wanted by all my ladies that have seen them so far...
Ooh look at the top... same flower!! And can you spot the pearlescent sheen on these papers too... (though note that the glittery Old Olive flowers are care of my Wink of Stella...)
As an aside... don't miss the early release Share What You Love bundles coming from 1st May...
click here for more details (including how to get them now!) ... or just
here for the Flyer ...
And some more CAS Garden in Bloom samples for you...
Hopeful Thoughts (aka Thoughts & Prayers in the US I believe)
This one has been around for a very long time... but still a keeper for me... always had a soft spot for blossoms... and I love the tree!

And gosh these 2 are from 2011... and all the rest ( as I know that there have been a lot more made using this set) must have been pre-blogging days... or maybe prior to using Tags that can be used in the Blog Search function...

Available in
Wood mount and
Clear Mount
Charming Cafe
Not been around for so long... as made its debut in this years Spring Summer catalogue...but a really useful set of stamps and dies... for which I loved the samples in the catalogue... and has had a lot of other use ...
No Bones About It...
This is one of those sets that has always had my heart... even though son and friends & family etc definitely too old to be into dinosaurs... and no-one wanting them to be used for projects in my classes... but a keeper for when our friends start on grandchildren!!!
But I loved the few cards I made just because!!
Text Ya Later
And last but not least... for a bit of fun... and great for young, old, teens, tweens and male/female cards etc!!!
Gosh I had a long list of ideas for this one... but guess the timing was just not right...
Though I will also share the card that should have been quickly remade... as there is a tutorial there for you too... Same idea in the other orientation.... and somewhat less bright!..
Now I found it hard to select just 10 stamps that I am most going to miss most come 31st May (or sooner if they go out of stock before!) What about You? Which ones will you most miss?